Monday, March 12, 2012

Love Is

Sometimes people come into our lives as the right time to help, to encourage, to guide, to support, or to learn., For friendship, for Light, communication, compassion, or.. love. And may have been such a great influence on your, or move you in such a way that no matter what you do, nothing could ever make you forget them, what they did, or what kind of impact they made in your life, for whatever reason.

Love can be found in many forms., including You.
Below is a very moving poem that was shared with me one day by someone who, at that particular time in my life needed to be there., and am ever grateful we had that chance to meet. Those kind of individuals must be made of starstuff after all. Because their Light can be seen infinitely.

I will always remember who you are.

Love Is

You ask me why I love you
I don't know what to say
I just know what to feel
And I feel it every day

Love is not a promise
Love is not a pledge
Love is more a cliff
I've fallen off the edge

Love is not up in the stars
Even when they are aligned
Love is deep within us all
And defies to be defined

I love you because of the light you cast
I love you for all of the time gone past
I love you even when life goes fast
Until my time is over

Copyright STS Love Is `all Rights reserved